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Ask Usagi!

Dive into the mystical realm of the Yijing, where ancient wisdom meets modern insight. Unravel the secrets of the universe, discover the unseen patterns of life, and unlock your inner wisdom. With Usagi as your guide, let the ancient wisdom of the Yijing guide your path, illuminating the way with profound wisdom and insight to shape your own future.

The Yijing, also known as the I Ching or "Book of Changes", is an ancient Chinese divination text and one of the oldest of the Chinese classics. With a history of more than two and a half millennia of commentary and interpretation, the Yijing is an influential text read throughout the world, providing inspiration to the worlds of religion, psychoanalysis, business, literature, and art. It consists of a set of 64 symbols called hexagrams, each composed of six stacked horizontal lines, with each line representing Yin or Yang. These hexagrams are interpreted to answer questions about the future and provide advice, making the Yijing a tool for understanding the patterns and principles of the universe.


What Happens in a Reading?

In a Yijing reading, also known as a I Ching reading or Book of Changes consultation, you will receive guidance based on interpreting hexagrams derived from the Yijing text. Here’s how it typically unfolds.

  1. You formulate a specific question or situation you want guidance on. You then focus your intention on the question, seeking clarity and insight. The question is typically provided at least 24 hours before the reading.

  2. Just prior to the reading, the reader, in this case, Usagi, will throw three coins six times to generate a hexagram, consisting of six lines. Each line in the hexagram represents a specific aspect of the situation or question. Solid lines (yang) represent active, assertive energy, while broken lines (yin) represent receptive, passive energy. We read the lines from the bottom up, interpreting their meanings based on traditional texts. 

  3. Then, during the reading, Usagi and the seeker will go through the text together. While an English translation is provided, because the characters of ancient Chinese are open to much interpretation, Usagi will often provide his own translations and unique interpretations. He has a master’s degree in classical Chinese language and philosophy as well as years of training in Yijing reading with a Chinese master.


Remember that the Yijing is a tool for self-reflection and inner guidance. It doesn’t predict the future but offers perspectives to help seekers navigate life’s complexities.


About Usagi aka Mark Andres

At sixteen, Mark (aka Usagi) first learned about the Yijing (I Ching or Book of Changes) when he received a copy of the Richard Wilhelm translation and basic instructions on how to throw the coins. Since then, he has developed his mastery of the art of Yijing divination and has been doing Yijing readings for more than 40 years. His early interest in the Yijing and other Taoist texts led him to get a B.A. in Chinese from the University of Arizona. After studying abroad in Taiwan and Japan, he completed a Master’s degree in Chinese literature and philosophy at the University of Arizona. 


Later, he came upon Master Joseph Yu of the Feng Shui Research Center in Toronto, Canada. Under Master Yu’s tutelage, he deepened his knowledge of Yijing divination including the little known Plum Blossom (Meihuagua) and King Wen (Wenwanggua) methods. In addition to being certified in Yijing divination, specializing in Plum Blossom method, he also received certification in Flying Stars Feng Shui under Master Yu. 


In addition to Chinese divination, Mark also practices various types of energy work. After becoming a Reiki Master in the US, he traveled to Japan to learn the original Jikiden Reiki from Master Tadao Yamaguchi. Mark was the first non-Japanese to be certified in Japanese Jikiden Reiki. Since then, Mark has been practicing and teaching Reiki for over 20 years. 


In 2016, Mark went through the Health Coaching Institute program to become a certified Health Coach and Life Coach. Later, he became a certified practitioner in Access Bars. Most recently, he is currently becoming certified as a Therapeutic Sound Practitioner, so he can make use of his collection of Tibetan and Nepalese sound bowls.

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  • M.A. degree in Chinese Literature and Philosophy, University of Arizona (Tucson, Arizona)

  • Certified in Jikiden Reiki (Jikiden Reiki Institute, Kyoto, Japan) 直傳靈氣研究会

  • Certified in Yijing Divination (Feng Shui Research Center, Toronto, Canada) 

  • Certified in Feng Shui (Feng Shui Research Center, Toronto, Canada)

  • Certified Health Coach (Health Coach Institute, Boise, Idaho) 

  • Certified Life Coach (Health Coach Institute, Boise, Idaho)

  • Certified Access Bars Practitioner (Access Consciousness LLC, Stafford, TX)

  • Certified Therapeutic Sound Practitioner - In process (International Sound Therapy Association, Augusta, Georgia)

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